Holiday is coming in less than 1 week's time! HURRAY.
Meaning, need to get a job soon, by hook or by crook cause i know my allowance is never enough to cope with the holiday spendings.
So, anyone got any lobang? (:
Yesterday, had 2 rounds of mahjong. Won 3 bucks only. Haha.
Anw, I think i level up in MJ already. LOL.
Im so happy because im gonna get my Gucci lanyard soon. :D
Overdue pictures.
Marche-Vivo city with w34b to celebrate Choosie's birthday.
Darren got Awfully choc cake for choosie. Awfull choc again.-.-
I want Bakerzin okay! Haha. :p
Then, we went outdoor. Took many jumping and stupid shots! Gave choosie her birthday prezzie. After that shopped around daiso before heading home.
Okay, leaving sch soon to find nicck.
Will post up Peranakan museum pictures once i uploaded.:DD