Alot of mahjong sessions!:D
I realised i always update my blog either on tuesday or wednesday. Haha.
Tons of pictures piling up already!
Carol, songquan, mark and nicck are playing mj at my hse now! While im here blogging waiting for my turn. (:
Friday - Last week of school holiday.
Met up with mess and karyin for IT fair and photoshoot at carol's place.
May came to help us out as well but then soon went off for her driving lessons.
Took damn lots of pictures like 200 plus but im lazy to upload here. All at fb! (:
170609 - Wednesday
Went out on a date with nicck, he got me flowers! :D Managed to get myself something from mango. SALESSSSSSS OMGX, Im going to go back to buy more! After that watched ghosts of gf past at cine. A very touching and heartwarming show which made my eyes teary.
After school met up with nicck at woodlands station. He came all the way here to meet me.
So sweet of him.
We went to get food and snacks from jp then off to west coast for picnic. (: So random!
We had nth to do, and dont wanna spend money so why not? Good idea yeah.
My favourites! Green apple chips and tuna sushi. :D
So retard looking!
Fucking inconsiderate! Im 80% sure she's some cheena lady.
Cld see that the ppl around were giving the question mark faces also.
We heck care her and continue with cam-whoring!