Lately, was tempted to go to Bali. So i did check out those packages online for 3days2nights & found this resort called the Four seasons (Jimbaran Bay). The environement there is good and ideal for relaxing and sun-tanning. But first i need to get a fking job! It's time to be more independent. & being independent means paying for my own expenses there. Herh. Anyway, e35d chalet is just a few days away. I can only get a job after it's over. Got a few lobangs along the way, but i guess im just too picky. :/
19th Feb 08. Tues
Firstly, Happy birthday Weijian! ((:
Lee acc-ed me to Bugis to get my black jeans. Got myself a few dresses too. (: After that met Darren & pym at bugis station then made our way to Jojo's place. Played mahjong! Hoho, and a game which pym proclaimed its called 'poker' Anyway it's somehow similar to those we watched in HK show, the person will give everyone a card covered and another one not covered. Then the person holding the biggest card will decide how much to put in the pot and the rest can choose to follow anot. Anyway it was fun. Can win alot and at the same time lose alot also. Around evening, i went to meet dear and headed to Nigel's house to bai nian.
20th Feb 08. Wed
Rot at home in the afternoon then dinner @ Grandma's place. Then headed to JE to meet Bonsan. Kbox session! Wj just got off from work so we went to sing first. I did not sing much cause i think my voice is quite weird that day. Bonsan sang the most! He wanted to make his $27 worth it. Haha, anyway reached home at around 3am.
I looked dazed in here. :S
Alrighty got to go! Meeting dear for dinner later cause of his cousin's bd. Bye!